The Investor E2 Visa
The E-2 treaty ‘Investor Visa’ signed between Grenada and the United States allows citizens of Grenada to operate a substantial business in the U.S. and reside there. Many countries in the world including China and India do not have an E-2 treaty with the USA. In such circumstances investors can obtain citizenship of Grenada first and then apply for a USA E2 Visa.
The E2 investor visa is a nonimmigrant classification that allows a national of a US treaty country to travel and reside in the United States for up to five years for the purpose of investing a substantial amount of capital in an approved US commercial enterprise.
E2 visas are highly sought after by investors because the visa provides substantial benefits to investors, their spouse, and qualified children under the age of 30. Benefits include access to exceptional education opportunities and the option to reside outside of the United States with unlimited re-entry privileges for the duration of the visa.